“In today’s modern world, people are either asleep or connected.”


Technology has changed the way we live our lives. From work, entertainment to errands, you can manage everything with a mobile phone in your hands or a laptop on your desk. What does this mean for an e-commerce website? It has to be quick and agile for the customers, or a slow website will kill your sales.

A BusinessNewsDaily.com study revealed 90% of shoppers leave an e-commerce store if it is not fast enough. Almost 25% of the participants said they would never return to a slow-performing e-commerce store. It means having a slow website is the reason behind the fast deaths of many e-commerce businesses.


How to increase the speed of your E-commerce Store?

If your business plan does not include mobile, it is incomplete.


With shortened attention spans of customers and ever-shrinking consumer patience, your website needs to be faster and sharper than ever. Today’s customers are mobile-savvy. With just a few taps on their smartphones, they know what they want, and they want it now. So, make your e-commerce website faster.

In addition to cleaning up the code, merging JS and CSS files, and compressing images, there is one more effective way of making your e-commerce store faster and mobile-friendly. AMP up the e-commerce website with Google AMP.

Google AMP: The Faster Way to Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

Google AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) allows you to create web pages that load instantaneously. The open-source project by Google helps you to work on the existing HTML framework. It lets you create a more streamlined version or diet-version of the HTML files. Let’s look at the plethora of benefits available to you when you choose AMP pages for your e-commerce store:

1. The Speed Factor


In today’s competitive e-commerce industry, if a website isn’t fast enough for customers, it is not good enough for them. One of the primary reasons for choosing AMP pages is that they increase the page loading speed phenomenally. As pages load faster and the website becomes mobile-friendly, it gets preference from search engines and shoppers.

2. The SEO Reason

We all know mobile is the next big thing! With search engines pushing for mobile-friendly content, you can benefit by using AMP pages. They have a higher chance of appearing in the top position in Google SERPs.

You can track page metrics such as user interaction and user location with the help of built-in Google Analytics features. You can also use AMP URLs for ad campaigns and send AMP-friendly emails to see more conversions.

By admin